We Value Your Input
In our daily activities to maintain and inspect the levees in our District, we are fortunate to meet and talk with many homeowners, residents, and recreationists. We see our role as more than a public agency we always strive to be a good neighbor in your community.
We value all input from the community and need to gather up-to-date information from residents or groups with special interests. Conversations with residents offer a great opportunity to address your concerns and to share information on the need for safe, strong levees and the role regular maintenance plays to improve them. Clear access to all points on the levee and the ability to inspect the levee during a flood are paramount to the safety of your community and you play an important role in keeping us informed.
We always want to hear if you notice any changes in the appearance of a levee. This includes water boiling near the toe of the levee or in your backyard, water seepage, or any erosion on a levee slope. Communication makes us all better neighbors and we look forward to talking with you or answering any questions you may have regarding our maintenance practices and long-term goals for levee safety. Contact us online or call us at (916) 929-4006.