Do I Need Flood Insurance?

In July 2005, the Board of Trustees adopted Resolution 2005-07: Recommending District Property Owners Maintain Flood Insurance Policies. An excerpt of the resolution reads:
“The Board of Trustees of the American River Flood Control District believes it is prudent for property owners who live behind levees to maintain flood insurance policies as a means to protect their most valuable financial asset—their homes and/or business. The Board recommends property owners outside the FEMA 100-year floodplain seek a Preferred Risk Policy for flood insurance underwritten by the National Flood Insurance Program and available through their insurance company.”
View Resolution 2005-07Do I Need Flood Insurance?
The Sacramento area has a long history of catastrophic flooding. A system of levees and bypasses keeps high flows contained in the river channel. While this system reduces the risk of flood, there is always a threat of a storm exceeding flood control defense capabilities.
Learn about the National Flood Insurance Program
How to Get a Low Cost, Preferred Risk Flood Insurance PolicyView an englargement of the Flood Risk Map of the Sacramento Region